Enjoy The Great Benefits Of Continuous Inkjet Printers

     Industries like food beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, cosmetics and construction among others face many coding and marking challenges. With the right technologies, these challenges can be overcome. One of the options available, which has been in use for many decades, is using continuous inkjet printers. It is a positive testament to the continuous inkjet technology to have served people for many years even after the development of modern and highly sophisticated technologies to aid in printing.

     The working of the continuous inkjet printer includes expelling charged ink droplets, which are discharged electronically from a printhead nozzle. The particles are the passed through an electric field before they reach the paper. The reason this technology has been alive for that long is because of the many benefits it offers to users as outlined below.


     One of the biggest benefits that have kept this technology moving is the high velocity that ink droplets travel between the printer and the paper. With the high pressure pump that releases droplets to the electric field, one is able to achieve faster printing that is also neat. A continuous inkjet printer allows one to continuously produce copies at a high speed without the possibility of damaging some copies due to inconsistencies in the amount of ink released by the nozzle.

Simple and reliable

     Most modern printers, although they come with additional features, are complex and in case they break down one has to take days before the system is fixed. This is not the case with a continuous inkjet printer, which offers simplicity and reliability at the same time. Most importantly, continuous inkjet printers can print on a variety of substrates including glass, wood, metal, paper, plastic and other materials. The printer can also run continuously for many hours before servicing is required, which ensures low running costs.